the pain of knowing that true love exists

agnes: wyeah, wike wowawy!:D also, I remembered the mushroom band! infected mushroom! not that that had any relevance...;)
so I watched crazy stupid love with sara and benjamin tonight. and it´s an epic movie, it truly is. just possibly not one I should see. "If you find your one true love, don´t give up!" they say. know what they don´t say? That not giving up hurts you, hurts the one you love, makes you a stalker and generally a freak, screws up a lot of shit, and does not pay off anyway. they don´t say that. they try showing it, though. their example is a 13 year old in love with a 17 year old. he stalks her, tells her all the time how much he loves her etcetera. well...they don´t end up together, I´ll give them that, but she ends with being really kind to him...and giving him pornographic pictures of herself. this is true. you know what she does not do? shut him out, ignore him, tell him to leave her the fuck alone or just behave normally in any way. movies fuck with your brain I tell you. and I am not bitter. not at all. (note: I do not envy the guy who got the pictures, if anyone thought so. xD)
and now for the contrast: citat! xD min blogg är bipolär!
agnes: I wanna make things!
me: make babies!
sara: *gör konstiga ljud*
benjamin: det där lät fulare än...en vallross parningsrop!


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